World Migratory Bird Day Highlights Concerns Over Declining Insect Populations

World Migratory Bird Day this year shines a spotlight on the alarming decline in insect populations and its impact on bird species worldwide. FRANCE 24 English reports on the growing concerns among conservationists and researchers who emphasize the critical role insects play in the ecosystem, not only as a food source for birds but also in pollination and as natural pest controllers. The decline is attributed to a combination of factors, including habitat loss, pollution, and climate change, prompting calls for urgent action to protect these vital creatures and, by extension, the birds that rely on them for survival.
  • World Migratory Bird Day highlights the decline in insect populations.
  • Insects are crucial for ecosystems, serving as food for birds, pollinators, and natural pest controllers.
  • The decline is caused by habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.
  • Conservationists urge immediate action to protect insects and migratory birds.

France 24 is an international television network and news website owned by the French state.

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