In a groundbreaking development, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the manga and anime industry by adding fluid and dynamic movements to characters, significantly enhancing the viewer’s experience. NHK WORLD-Japan’s latest news report highlights how this innovative technology is being integrated into the production process, offering creators new tools to bring their imaginative worlds to life with unprecedented realism and efficiency.
- AI technology is being used to animate manga and anime characters, making their movements smoother and more realistic.
- The integration of AI in the animation process is poised to revolutionize how stories are told in manga and anime, allowing for more dynamic storytelling.
- This technological advancement is not only enhancing the visual appeal of these art forms but also improving production efficiency.
- Creators are now able to bring their characters to life in ways that were previously impossible, opening up new possibilities for narrative depth and engagement.
NHK WORLD-JAPAN is “the international service of Japan’s public media organization NHK.” NHK World-Japan is operated by Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK). The goal of NHK World-Japan is stated as “to promote a deeper international understanding of Japan, introducing the latest events in Japan through news and other programs.”
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Original video here.
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