Western-Made Components Found in Russian Missiles Used Against Ukraine, Contravening Bans



Investigations have revealed that Russian missiles fired at Ukraine have been found to contain Western-made components, including microchips, cameras, and processors. These findings come despite international bans on weapons exports to Russia and raise questions about the enforcement of export controls. The discovery points to the sophisticated nature of Russian weaponry and the reliance on imported high-precision technology.

  • Western-made components have been found in Russian missiles used in attacks on Ukraine.
  • Parts such as microchips, cameras, antennas, and processors with high-precision technology were identified in the weaponry.
  • A Russian cruise missile’s onboard computer part marked “Made in the USA” was supplied after the war in Ukraine began.
  • The U.S. supplier did not respond to inquiries about how their components ended up in Russia.
  • Ukraine’s Foreign Minister calls for tighter restrictions on Western exports to prevent such components from being used in Russian military equipment.
  • The issue highlights the importance of enforcing international bans on weapons exports to conflict zones.

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