Britain’s Postal Workers Wrongly Prosecuted Due to Faulty Software, Sparking Largest Miscarriage of Justice in History


In a significant miscarriage of justice in the UK, more than 900 sub-postmasters were wrongfully prosecuted due to faults in the Post Office’s computer software. Many, like Vipin Patel and Lee Castleton, were financially and emotionally devastated, with some being driven to contemplate suicide. Faulty software showed unexplained shortfalls, leading to accusations of embezzlement and fraud against innocent postal workers. Despite years of suffering, a landmark court victory in 2019 acknowledged the software faults. A public inquiry and a criminal investigation are underway, but victims like Patel and Castleton have yet to receive full compensation, and the battle for justice continues.
  • Over 900 sub-postmasters in the UK were wrongfully prosecuted due to software errors in the Post Office’s computer system.
  • Victims were held accountable for massive unexplained financial shortfalls, leading to bankruptcies, health decline, and community ostracization.
  • Vipin Patel and Lee Castleton are among those significantly impacted, facing severe financial and emotional distress.
  • Repeated pleas for help and audits failed to uncover the root cause, with victims being told they were the only ones experiencing issues.
  • A landmark court victory in 2019 acknowledged the software faults, leading to a public inquiry and a criminal investigation.
  • The Post Office has apologized and is cooperating with the inquiry, while Fujitsu, the software developer, echoes these sentiments.
  • Despite the acknowledgments and legal victories, many victims like Patel and Castleton have yet to receive full compensation, and some have died before seeing their names cleared.
  • The scandal has sparked national outrage, highlighted by a sensational TV drama, putting pressure on authorities to ensure justice is served.

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