US Secretary of State Blinken Announces Israel’s Netanyahu Backs US Ceasefire Proposal in Gaza Amid Ongoing Conflict


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has confirmed Israel’s Prime Minister’s support for a US-backed ceasefire proposal in Gaza, emphasizing the importance of Hamas’s response to the plan. The ceasefire aims to end the ongoing conflict, which was triggered by Hamas’s attacks on Israel, by proposing troop withdrawals, the return of hostages, and a six-week truce with the potential to become permanent. The United Nations Security Council has endorsed the proposal, but official confirmation from Israel on its acceptance is pending. Blinken highlighted the urgency of the situation, noting the risks of the conflict widening and the critical need for Hamas to agree to the ceasefire for the sake of Gaza’s people and the return of hostages.
  • US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken confirms Israel’s Prime Minister has reaffirmed commitment to a US-backed ceasefire proposal for Gaza.
  • The ceasefire proposal includes troop withdrawals from parts of Gaza, the return of hostages, and a six-week truce that could become permanent.
  • The United Nations Security Council has endorsed the ceasefire proposal, yet official acceptance from Israel is still awaited.
  • Blinken emphasized the responsibility on Hamas to accept the ceasefire proposal, highlighting the international community’s and families of hostages’ desires for peace.
  • Concerns were raised about the conflict potentially widening into a regional conflict the longer it persists.
  • Families and friends of hostages are pressuring the Israeli government to agree to the deal, seeing it as the only way to ensure the safe return of their loved ones.
  • Protests in support of the US’s efforts to negotiate a ceasefire were held outside the hotel where Secretary Blinken was staying in Tel Aviv.

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