Ukraine Foils Russian-Backed Coup Attempt, Arrests Four Conspirators



Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency has arrested four individuals linked to a Russian-backed coup attempt, planned to disrupt the constitutional day celebrations in Kiev. The conspirators aimed to instigate a riot, storm the parliament building, and overthrow the leadership. This incident is part of a series of alleged coup plots targeting Ukraine in recent years, highlighting the ongoing threats to the country’s government and its president amid the wartime context. The security measures in place to protect the president and government officials, while stringent, allow for civilian movement and daily life to continue with minimal disruption.

  • Ukraine’s intelligence agency thwarted a Russian-backed coup attempt, arresting four individuals.
  • The plot involved starting a riot, storming the parliament, and overthrowing the Ukrainian leadership during constitutional day celebrations.
  • This incident adds to several alleged coup attempts against Ukraine in recent years.
  • Despite the wartime context and the real threat of ballistic missiles, security measures for high-ranking officials, including the president, do not heavily disrupt civilian life in Kiev.
  • Security for the president includes tight security and non-disclosed appearances, with officers often in plain clothes.
  • Russia’s attempts to destabilize Ukraine extend beyond physical threats to include efforts to create protests and chaos through social media and other means.
  • There have been numerous reported threats against President Zelensky’s life, including a significant plot within his security detail recently.
  • The efforts to protect the government and president are part of a broader strategy to maintain order and continue governmental functions amidst ongoing threats.

DW News is a global news TV program broadcast by German public state-owned international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW).

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