Netanyahu Promises Continued War in Gaza, Seeks U.S. Support in Congressional Address Amid Protests


In an address to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel’s conduct in the ongoing war against Hamas, emphasizing the necessity of victory for regional stability and protection against Iran’s influence. Amidst protests outside the venue, Netanyahu received considerable support within Congress, although a noticeable number of Democratic lawmakers boycotted the speech. He outlined a vision for a demilitarized and deradicalized post-war Gaza but provided few details on achieving these goals. Critics argue that the speech lacked substance on ending the conflict and failed to propose a clear path forward.
  • Netanyahu vowed to continue the war in Gaza, calling for U.S. support against Hamas and Iran’s influence in the Middle East.
  • The address was met with standing ovations, despite boycotts by some Democratic lawmakers.
  • Netanyahu’s speech focused on defending Israel’s actions and did not offer a detailed strategy for achieving peace or addressing humanitarian concerns in Gaza.
  • At least 60 Democratic lawmakers boycotted Netanyahu’s speech, reflecting a potential rift or shift in Democratic support for Israel.
  • Netanyahu’s vision for a post-war Gaza includes demilitarization and deradicalization but lacks specifics on implementation and engagement with Palestinian leadership.
  • Experts and analysts criticize the speech for lacking a “day after” strategy for Gaza and not addressing the root causes of the conflict.
  • The address highlighted bipartisan support for Israel, though it also underscored growing partisan divides, particularly among Democrats.
  • Netanyahu’s U.S. visit includes meetings with President Biden, Vice President Harris, and former President Trump, aiming to solidify support amid ongoing conflict.
  • Protests outside the venue, described by Netanyahu as funded by Iran, showcased diverse opposition to his policies and the ongoing war in Gaza.
  • The speech and Netanyahu’s engagements in the U.S. are seen as crucial for his domestic political standing and Israel’s international relations, especially with the impending Israeli parliamentary recess.

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