Macron’s Office Responds to Le Pen’s ‘Administrative Coup’ Accusations

In a recent development, the office of French President Emmanuel Macron has called for restraint following accusations from Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally, who charged the president with conducting an “administrative coup.” Le Pen’s allegations, voiced on national radio, concern Macron’s purported rush to appoint allies to key positions within the French administration, including the National Police and diplomatic roles, ahead of recent electoral activities. The president’s office has dismissed these claims, labeling them as manipulative and unfounded, while emphasizing the routine nature of such appointments.

  • Marine Le Pen accused President Emmanuel Macron of an “administrative coup” by allegedly filling high-level positions with his allies.
  • The accusations were made during a national radio broadcast, where Le Pen suggested that Macron was swiftly appointing officials to significant roles within the French administration.
  • Le Pen’s ally, Eric Zemmour, echoed similar sentiments, highlighting appointments made just before the last Sunday’s vote, suggesting a scramble to secure positions for Macron’s close associates.
  • In response, the president’s office refuted these claims, urging Le Pen to be more measured in her accusations and emphasizing the falsehood of her statements.
  • The government’s spokesperson accused Le Pen of manipulating information and clarified that the appointment of officials during the Council of Ministers is a standard practice, particularly ahead of the academic year.
  • Gabriel Attal, speaking for the president’s office, accused Le Pen of using exaggerated rhetoric to conceal her own concerns.
  • It was noted that while the president has the prerogative to name top officials, many appointments still require the Prime Minister’s approval, which could be complicated by any potential power-sharing arrangement with other parties, including the far-right.

France 24 is an international television network and news website owned by the French state.

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