Ghana Supreme Court Delays Decision on Anti-LGBTQ Legislation, Awaiting Constitutional Review

The Supreme Court of Ghana has postponed its decision regarding the constitutionality of the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, emphasizing the importance of aligning any judgment with the country’s constitution. This comes amid discussions on the bill’s widespread popularity across Ghana and its potential influence on the upcoming election. Both leading candidates in the election have expressed opposition to LGBTQ rights. The court aims to expedite its ruling without specifying a date, highlighting the case’s significance and its impact on Ghana’s legal and societal landscape.

  • The Supreme Court of Ghana has deferred its ruling on the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill to assess its constitutionality.
  • The decision emphasizes the supremacy of the country’s constitution and the need for all actions to be determined within the law’s framework.
  • The bill’s popularity and its implications for the upcoming electoral campaign were noted, with both leading election candidates opposing LGBTQ rights.
  • The court intends to fast-track the judgment process but has not provided a specific timeline for its decision.

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