In a recent development from Gaza City, a devastating scenario unfolds as the aftermath of an Israeli bombing of a school, reportedly housing around 6,000 displaced individuals, has resulted in a significant number of civilian casualties. This facility was allegedly targeted by Israel under the claim of it being a Hamas control center. In response to this event and ongoing conflict, an evacuation order has been issued in Khan Younis, marking another displacement for residents amidst talks of resuming negotiations in Cairo or Doha by August 15. U.S. Vice President Cara Harris has emphasized the urgency of establishing a ceasefire and securing a hostage deal.
- In Gaza City, a school housing displaced individuals was bombed, leading to numerous civilian casualties.
- Israel justifies the bombing, claiming the school was a Hamas control center.
- Evacuation orders were issued in Khan Younis, displacing residents for the sixth time since the conflict began.
- Israel plans to send a delegation for negotiations in Cairo or Doha by August 15.
- U.S. Vice President Cara Harris calls for an immediate ceasefire and a hostage deal.
- The recent events may affect the stance of Hamas, especially following the assassination of their leader.
- Remarks by Israel’s National Security Minister on social media about the permanent occupation of Gaza could complicate negotiations.
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