Nationwide Strike by Indian Medics Demanding Better Protection for Women Following Doctor’s Rape and Murder

Thousands of medical workers across India have initiated a nationwide strike, demanding better protection for women in the medical profession. This action comes in the wake of the rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor in Kolkata, an incident that has sparked outrage and renewed focus on the country’s struggle with sexual violence against women. The Indian Medical Association announced that all non-essential hospital services would be suspended until Sunday morning, with over a million workers expected to join the strike. The tragedy has led to widespread demonstrations, underscoring the persistent issue of safety for women in India.

  • Thousands of medical workers across India have gone on a nationwide strike for better protection of women doctors, students, and nurses.
  • The strike was triggered by the rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor in Kolkata, occurring more than a week prior to the strike.
  • The Indian Medical Association has suspended all non-essential hospital services until Sunday morning, with over a million workers expected to participate.
  • Mass demonstrations took place, with tens of thousands of protesters hitting the streets in support of the victim and calling for justice.
  • The victim’s father expressed gratitude towards the protesters, stating that their support has given him strength and hope for progress.
  • This incident has highlighted the ongoing problem of sexual violence against women in India, with an estimated average of 90 rapes reported daily in 2022.
  • Despite tougher legislation against sexual violence introduced after the 2012 gang rape in New Delhi, activists say that the situation has barely improved in the last decade, with officials often accused of mishandling investigations.

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