The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been arrested in Paris as part of a cybercrimes investigation. The French prosecutors are probing into allegations that involve illicit transactions, child pornography, fraud, and the refusal to communicate information to authorities. Telegram, a messaging app with nearly a billion users, has faced criticism for not moderating extreme content effectively. The company, however, has asserted its innocence, claiming the accusations against its platform and founder are baseless. This incident has sparked reactions from Russian lawmakers and French President Emmanuel Macron, highlighting the complex dynamics at play.
- Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, has been arrested in Paris over a cybercrimes investigation.
- The investigation focuses on allegations of illicit transactions, child pornography, fraud, and refusal to share information with authorities.
- Telegram, which is based in Dubai and boasts nearly a billion users, has been criticized for not adequately moderating extreme content.
- In response to the arrest, Telegram stated that it had nothing to hide and dismissed the claims against it and its owner as absurd.
- Russian lawmakers have defended Durov, suggesting his arrest is a political move aimed at blackmailing Russia and Telegram’s users.
- French President Emmanuel Macron has countered, stating the arrest was not politically motivated and that the judiciary would decide on the matter.
- Under French law, Durov can be held for up to 96 hours before he must be either released or formally charged with a crime.
France 24 is an international television network and news website owned by the French state.
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