France Remains Without Prime Minister Amid Divided Parliament; Macron Continues Talks to Break Deadlock

France is currently facing a political stalemate two months after elections resulted in a divided Parliament, leaving the country without a prime minister or an operational government. President Emmanuel Macron has been in discussions with various political leaders to find a solution but has yet to appoint a new prime minister. Meanwhile, Macron’s former Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, has announced his intention to run for the presidency in three years. The situation remains uncertain as Macron seeks a candidate capable of navigating the fragmented political landscape and avoiding a vote of no confidence.

  • France has been without a prime minister for two months following a divided Parliament result from the recent elections.
  • President Emmanuel Macron is in talks with political figures to break the deadlock, but no appointment has been made so far.
  • Edouard Philippe, Macron’s former Prime Minister, has declared his intention to run for the presidency in three years.
  • Two main candidates for the prime minister position are being considered: Xavier Bertrand, from the center-right party, and Bernard Cazeneuve, a former prime minister from the Socialist Party.
  • The appointment of a new prime minister is complicated by the need to navigate a divided Parliament and avoid a vote of no confidence.
  • Speculation exists that the ongoing institutional crisis could potentially lead to President Macron stepping down.
  • Edouard Philippe’s early announcement for the presidency is seen as a strategic move to distance himself politically from Macron and prepare for his own campaign.

France 24 is an international television network and news website owned by the French state.

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