JNHK WORLD-JAPAN’s latest video, “Snow – BEGIN Japanology,” explores Japan’s multifaceted relationship with snow, including its linguistic richness, the impact on daily life, and the ingenious ways people cope with and utilize it. The episode, hosted by Peter Barakan, delves into the traditional and modern methods developed to deal with the heavy snowfall that affects nearly half of the country’s land area and 20 million residents. From architectural innovations to snow festivals, and from snow-preserved rice to weather forecasting techniques, the program provides a comprehensive look at how snow shapes the culture and livelihoods of the Japanese people.
- Japan has a rich vocabulary for snow, indicating a deep cultural appreciation for it.
- Heavy snowfall, reaching over 5 meters in some areas, significantly impacts the lives of 20 million Japanese people.
- Traditional Japanese houses in snowy regions are constructed with steep roofs and flexible frames to withstand the weight of snow.
- Snow removal is a necessary yet dangerous task, with residents often working together to clear it.
- Snowy landscapes inspire various cultural practices, including festivals and the unique architectural feature of snow viewing screens.
- Japanese artisans use snow to bleach hemp fabric for textiles and to enhance the flavor of food products.
- Modern innovations have harnessed snow for cooling systems and preserving the flavor of the local rice crop, known as snow rice.
- Snowmelt patterns on mountainsides are traditionally used to predict the optimal time for agricultural activities.
- The beauty of snow is celebrated through various events, such as the Sapporo Snow Festival, which attracts millions of visitors.
- The proverb “after snow, a year of plenty” reflects the belief that heavy winters lead to fertile growing seasons.
NHK WORLD-JAPAN is “the international service of Japan’s public media organization NHK.” NHK World-Japan is operated by Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK). The goal of NHK World-Japan is stated as “to promote a deeper international understanding of Japan, introducing the latest events in Japan through news and other programs.”
“Overall, we rate NHK World-Japan Left-Center biased based on story selection that slightly favors the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record.”

Official website: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/
Original video here.
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