South Africa Votes Amid High Unemployment and Rising Inequality

South Africans are heading to the polls amidst high unemployment and stark inequality, three decades after the end of apartheid. The African National Congress (ANC), once led by Nelson Mandela and credited with delivering education and welfare benefits, is at risk of losing its parliamentary majority for the first time. Despite past progress, South Africa’s unemployment rate is one of the highest globally, and the wealth gap has widened, making it the most unequal country according to the World Bank’s Gini coefficient. The nation’s economic growth has stagnated, with per capita GDP declining significantly since its peak in 2011. Corruption, mismanagement, and infrastructural issues, notably with the state utility Eskom, have further exacerbated the situation. The upcoming elections are seen as critical for addressing these persistent challenges.
  • South Africa faces high unemployment and stark inequality as it approaches elections.
  • The ANC risks losing its parliamentary majority for the first time since the end of apartheid.
  • The country is ranked as the most unequal in the world by the World Bank’s Gini coefficient.
  • Despite progress in education and welfare, unemployment remains high, especially among youth.
  • Economic growth has stagnated, with per capita GDP declining significantly after 2011.
  • Corruption and mismanagement have resulted in infrastructural issues, notably with Eskom, the state utility, leading to power cuts.
  • The upcoming elections are seen as a pivotal moment for addressing these longstanding challenges.
  • The private sector has failed to create jobs for millions of youths, partly due to an education system not aligned with the economy’s needs.
  • There’s a dominance of large monopolies in the economy, hampering the growth of small businesses.

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