Global Trend: World Leaders Ageing as Median Age Gap with Constituents Widens

The recent analysis by WSJ State of the Stat highlights a growing trend of older leaders in global politics, noting that all of the world’s ten most populous countries are led by individuals over 70. This shift towards older politicians is contrasted with the youth of the general population, especially in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa. The video explores the implications of this age gap, its effect on policy focus, political engagement, and voter turnout among younger demographics, as well as the challenges faced by younger candidates in a political landscape dominated by older incumbents and expensive election campaigns.

  • All ten of the most populous countries are currently led by individuals over the age of 70.
  • World leaders are on average 40 years older than the median age of their constituents.
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, despite a younger population, leaders are some of the oldest globally.
  • Strong party systems in Europe encourage the recruitment and rise of younger politicians.
  • Age and mental competency are becoming focal points in U.S. election cycles.
  • The median age of world leaders is 62, with the median age of legislators also trending upwards globally.
  • Medical advancements and a rise in autocratic governance contribute to the prevalence of older leaders.
  • Costly elections disadvantage younger candidates who lack access to financial resources.
  • High incumbent reelection rates limit opportunities for younger politicians.
  • Youth voter turnout is lower globally, which may be influenced by the age gap between voters and politicians.
  • Politicians attempt to engage with younger voters through modern platforms like TikTok and youth-oriented campaigns.
  • Younger politicians are more likely to focus on long-term investments and policies affecting youth, such as childcare and education.
  • A lack of age diversity in politics can result in a disconnect with emerging technologies and social media.

The Wall Street Journal is an American business and economic-focused international daily newspaper based in New York City. The Journal is published six days a week by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corp.

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