Exploring the Impact of E-Waste on Kenya’s Dandora Dumpsite Workers

In Nairobi, Kenya, Dandora, a community on the city’s outskirts, is grappling with an influx of electronic waste (e-waste) at its already overflowing dumpsite. Workers, including children, scavenge through mountains of waste, extracting valuable parts from discarded electronics to resell. Despite the hazards of exposure to toxic substances and the risk of injury with little to no protective gear, they depend on this work for survival. Meanwhile, efforts are being made to address the e-waste crisis, with recycling centers like the Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Center in Nairobi aiming to process and safely dispose of e-waste while promoting public awareness and incentivizing proper disposal.

  • Dandora, a large dumpsite in Nairobi, Kenya, continues to receive electronic waste despite being declared full two decades ago.
  • Local workers, including children, sift through the waste for electronics to salvage parts for resale, despite health and safety risks.
  • Workers face dangers such as toxic exposure and physical injury, with minimal protective equipment available.
  • The Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Center in Nairobi recycles various e-waste, refurbishes usable electronics, and upcycles batteries.
  • The center is underutilized, operating well below capacity due to a lack of public awareness regarding the dangers of e-waste.
  • New initiatives include “green points” to incentivize proper e-waste disposal, allowing individuals to exchange e-waste for discounts on new electronics.
  • Not all e-waste in Kenya is locally generated; some arrive through imports, including illegal channels and under the guise of donations.
  • Despite the challenges, there is hope that recycling efforts could make a difference, though the impact on those dependent on manual e-waste salvaging remains uncertain.

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