Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested at a French airport, as reported by French media citing law enforcement sources. The arrest is linked to allegations that Telegram has not adequately moderated illegal content on its platform, including drug trafficking, child sexual abuse material, and fraud. Further developments regarding Durov’s potential indictment and the response from Russian diplomats in Paris are being closely monitored.
- Pavel Durov, the Russian founder of Telegram, was arrested at an airport near Paris, arriving from Dubai on his private jet.
- The arrest warrant was issued due to Telegram’s alleged failure to moderate illegal content and cooperate with law enforcement on issues like drug trafficking, child sexual abuse content, and fraud.
- French media sources indicate that Durov could be indicted following his arrest.
- The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that diplomats in Paris are urgently working in connection with Durov’s arrest.
- Durov, previously known for maintaining a low public profile, had increased his public appearances, including a notable interview in the United States.
- In 2014, Durov reportedly fell out with Russian authorities over refusing to hand over personal data of anti-Kremlin protesters from his other company, VK, leading to his departure from Russia.
- Russia has accused France of refusing to cooperate following Durov’s arrest.
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