Efforts to Combat Agricultural Pollution in England’s Rivers Highlighted

Efforts are being made to combat agricultural pollution in England’s waterways, with only 14% of the country’s rivers considered in good health as of 2019, according to an Environment Agency survey. Agricultural runoff, rich in chemicals like phosphorus from fertilizers and animal feeds, has been identified as a significant contributor to this issue. Innovative solutions and practices are being adopted by farmers to mitigate these effects, including the adoption of regenerative agriculture, the creation of wetlands for natural filtration, and the use of technology to prevent pollutants from reaching rivers.

  • Only 14% of England’s rivers were in good health in 2019, with agricultural pollution being a significant contributor.
  • Nearly two-thirds of England’s failing rivers are affected by agricultural runoff, which is often polluted with chemicals like phosphorus.
  • Farmers are engaging in practices such as creating grass buffer zones and using technology to reduce the impact of pollutants on waterways.
  • Joe Hitt, a farmer near the Welsh borders, has invested in burners to incinerate chicken litter, reducing the phosphorus runoff into the River Wye.
  • Regenerative agriculture, which aims to restore soil health and increase biodiversity, is being adopted as a way to reduce runoff and improve water quality.
  • Partnerships between farmers, private companies, and trusts are leading to projects like the creation of wetlands that naturally filter out pollutants before they reach rivers.
  • These initiatives, however, require financial and expert support to be scalable and effective, highlighting the need for government investment and consumer willingness to pay more for sustainably produced food.
  • Improvements to sewage and water supply networks, along with more wetlands, are being called for to enhance water quality further.
  • The health status of the River Wye was listed as “unfavorable to declining” in 2023, underscoring the urgent need for continued and expanded efforts to clean up England’s rivers.

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