The social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, has temporarily blocked searches for Taylor Swift following the spread of fake explicit images generated by artificial intelligence. The images, one of which garnered over 47 million views before removal, forced X to take drastic measures after significant cuts to their trust and safety team hindered their ability to use more targeted methods of content moderation. The incident raises questions about the enforcement of X’s policies amidst its proclaimed commitment to freedom of speech and the broader issues of AI-generated deepfakes affecting public figures and private individuals alike.
- X has temporarily blocked searches for Taylor Swift after fake AI-generated explicit images circulated on the platform.
- One of the fake images was viewed more than 47 million times before it was taken down.
- The blocking action comes after cuts to X’s trust and safety team, reducing their capacity for fine-grained content moderation.
- The company’s response time was questioned, but it’s unclear if it could have been faster prior to the reduction of the trust and safety team.
- Despite X’s emphasis on freedom of speech, certain types of harmful expression, like non-consensual AI images, are being restricted.
- Taylor Swift has not made a public statement regarding the incident at the time of the report.
- The issue highlights the growing problem of deepfakes and the potential real-world harm AI-generated content can have, especially as it pertains to public figures and the upcoming US election.
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster headquartered at Broadcasting House in London. Originally established in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company, it evolved into its current state with its current name on New Year’s Day 1927.
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