New technologies aimed at simplifying the challenges of parenting were showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Innovations include a self-driving pram that can rock a baby and assist with uphill walks, a smart baby bottle attachment that tracks milk expiration and feeding times, and an AI system designed to interpret a baby’s cries to help parents understand their child’s needs more accurately.
- A self-driving pram was introduced with a rocking mode and assistance for walks, featuring sensors to avoid obstacles and a battery life of 4 to 5 hours.
- The pram can be controlled to move ahead of the parent, allowing them to give their full attention to the baby.
- A smart bottle attachment was showcased that can be fitted to any baby bottle, monitoring the milk’s expiration, temperature, and feeding times.
- The bottle attachment works with an app to log feedings and measure the amount consumed to ensure babies drink enough.
- An AI system was presented that analyzes the frequency and reasons behind a baby’s cries, comparing them to worldwide data and offering real-time translations for parents.
- The AI cry analysis system can detect if a baby is hungry, tired, needs to burp, is uncomfortable, or in pain.
- The technology aims to support parents in caregiving, although the necessity of such tools versus human instinct is up for debate.
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